Infrared Palm Springs by Kate Ballis

Infrared Palm Springs by Kate Ballis

“I had a mirrorless Sony camera converted for infrared, bought a variety of coloured filters and the results completely changed the way I viewed the place, and beyond that, it provided me with a window into another world.”

Where tropical palms and modernist architecture meet the martian-like desert, Palm Springs isn't already too far from an alien world. With a method of camera wizardry and a fantastic eye, Palm Springs is transformed into a brand new, exaggerated hyper-coloured light. An almost alien landscape devoid of normality. Mid-twentieth century automobiles are found sleeping by empty roads and bubbling red pools contain nothing but novelty floats. All adding to the sinister nature of this other-worldly set. 

The ‘greenery’ in the set really pops through this modified camera, as the infrared spectrum of light emanating from the plants normally sits out with the humanly visible spectrum.

Kate told Wallpaper magazine that ‘Adventure has to be the best part of my job,’ she says. ‘I’m constantly planning the next destination to photograph and finding ways to capture that place’s story in a way that feels as unexplored as the location itself.’ We love Kate’s mindset of seeing things in a new perspective, that’s why we were so enchanted by this alien-like photoset.

Cameras can be modified to shoot in infrared by removing the infrared blocker from the sensor assembly, but often this is permanent. If you want to give this a go yourself, there are many tutorials on YouTube.

View the full set on Kate’s website here.

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