Making Our '80s Infomercial

Making Our '80s Infomercial

Behind the scenes of our VHS Infomercial ~ Part 1

After months locked in our office, regular post-midnight finishes and too many meals at our desks; last week we released our new 80’s inspired informercial to celebrate our 2015 collection release, available now on the all-new



After a whirlwind Summer 2014, we regrouped in Glasgow and burrowed down for a cold Scottish winter to hatch our plans for the year to follow. After our debut Classic frame, for 2015 we would introduce 5 new frame styles, all featuring our signature lens tint.

After too many mini shoots in cloudy Glasgow parks, we swore we’d never battle the Glasgow weather again. So over Christmas 2014, we set about ideas to (economically) travel abroad to shoot our 2015 collection.

Requirements: 1) Sun 2) Blue Skies 3) Beaches 4) More Sun 5) LOTS of cameras…

Fuerteventura promised the ‘most guaranteed sunshine‘ without going all the way to the Americas or Asia, and on a reasonable budget to take a crew of 12 for 7 days…

So in the last week of February, we flew out to our chosen Canary Island, to recce locations & setup base ahead of the whole team. For moral support (& various camera-related duties) we took our great friend & very talented photographer Giles Smith along with us.

After driving hundreds of miles around the island - scouting almost every beach/hill/path we could see, we felt like we had a good grip of it - though it was hard to feel enthusiastic without ‘summer vision‘. The first few recce days can only be described as cloudy.

As it turned out - many of the roads our GPS tried to guide us down were ‘unpaved’ and in fact - most of the coastal regions of the Island are indeed connected by single track, gravel roads. Usually these turn to larger rocks, usually when it’s too far down to go back. Our (un)friendly rental rep advised us that our insurance was invalid if we were to proceed down these roads…

Unfortunately, most of the best locations were indeed down these roads - but luckily our trusty VW Caddy served us very well. We definitely weren’t insured at this point…

Our crew & talent: 6 models, MUA, stylist & Marty flew out for the remaining 4 nights. We shot from sunrise until sunset. Luckily no-one really flinched at our 5:30 call time the first day…

CAMERAS: Sony FS7, Sony FS700, Canon 5D3, Canon 6D, GoPro Hero4, Panasonic VHS-C, Pentax 67, Bronica RF645, Hasselblad Xpan, Contax G2, Yashica T4

Check out Part 2 for more!


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